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April 26, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Cold Laser Therapy On Scar Tissue Offered By Lawrence Chiropractic Center In Dacula GA

Scar tissue from old injuries that did not heal properly can cause the patient to continue to experience pain many years after an accident. One of the promising newer therapies available involves cold laser. A Dacula Functional Medicine practitioner can provide this therapy to help patients experience less pain.

Cold laser is relatively new when compared to other forms of non-invasive care. The technology has only been on the scene for 30 years as compared to acupuncture that was first used as early as 8000 B. C. However, this form of medicine is being used effectively by other types of alternative practices.

Cold laser can be used to target acupuncture points without using needles. This non-intrusive option is sometimes an alternative to surgery. As the deep tissues are covered in laser photons, the tissues are stimulated to change and heal. Patients find healing with a method that is non-addicting yet effective.

Cold lasers can help with many different types of injuries. It is often effective for both acute and chronic pain. It has been used effectively to help in the healing of muscle strain as well as ligament sprains. Patients with tendonitis, tennis elbow, back pain, bursitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia often find relief from this type of therapy.

Laser therapy delivers light from the infrared spectrum in packets called photons to the damaged tissue. On a cellular level, this energy is absorbed by the cells to stimulate production of ATP sometimes called the currency of cellular energy. This burst of energy can transform live but damaged cells to healthy ones that no longer cause pain.

Auto accidents, sports injuries and other types of damage to the body can leave scar tissue. This tissue may lead to chronic pain in one’s body. With the help of a Dacula Functional Medicine provider, many people are finding it possible to live life with less pain.

Find a review of the advantages you get when you consult a Dacula functional medicine practitioner and more information about an experienced physician at now.

April 23, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Lawrence Chiropractic Center In Dacula GA Offers Cold Laser Therapy And Pain Relief

Dr. Natalie A. Lawrence, DC provides the Dacula Functional Medicine to members of the community that give patients the advanced alternative solutions to achieving and maintaining greater health and wellness. The doctor focuses on the individualized needs of her patients and strives to provide the most effective and advanced methods and techniques available.

PRESS RELEASE: Dacula, GA, 14-APR-2013 – Dr. Natalie A. Lawrence, DC has been recognized for her success in providing Dacula functional medicine that offers members of the community the pain relief solutions that will help them achieve greater mobility and wellness. The doctor creates individualized programs utilizing the most advanced methods, techniques and training to ensure that patients achieve and maintain greater health and wellness.

When interviewed recently Dr. Lawrence shared her commitment to providing patients with the highest level of care. “I am continually striving to providing the absolute best care and training to people who are seeking relief from pain. My goal is to provide both my patients and members of the community with healthy, safe and natural alternatives for effectively managing chronic conditions or issues that cause pain. There are often many factors that contribute to the pain that an individual suffers and I work very closely with my patients to address all of these factors and triggers to ensure that they are able to achieve long-term relieve and become more active participants in maintaining their health and wellness goals.”

One of the therapies that is offered by Dr. Lawrence is Cold Laser Therapy. This therapy gives the body the ability to naturally heal itself through a combination of both electric stimulation and cold laser technology. The low-level laser is used on many different parts to the body and is effective on reducing the pain of conditions such as tendonitis, arthritis, sprains and more.

During the initial consultation Dr. Lawrence performs a complete physical examination and takes x-rays to identify the areas of the body that are injured, have restricted circulation or are damaged. The doctor also conducts tests to determine the flexibility and mobility of the individual and discusses the triggers for the pain such as stress or tension.

Dr. Lawrence asks in-depth questions about the individual’s diet, exercise regimen and normal activities to ascertain gaps in maintaining a healthy body. In addition, a person who suffers from pain as a result of their job is asked about triggers or activities that may contribute to the pain such as sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time, lifting improperly or bending and twisting.

After evaluating all of the data collected Dr. Lawrence creates an individualized program that addresses both the immediate pain and contributing factors in a holistic manner. The doctor uses both chiropractic care and other therapies to relieve pain, stimulate healing and enhance proper circulation throughout the body. The doctor also makes recommendations for changes in diet to increase vitamins and nutrients that are required by the body to stimulate healing, increase stamina and enhance overall healing.

To get more information on how the Dacula Functional Medicine chiropractor Dr. Natalie A. Lawrence, DC addresses pain through individualized, holistic programs visit today. Individuals and members of the press wishing to get more details about this press release will find contact information below.

Natalie A. Lawrence, DC

Lawrence Chiropractic Center

1342 Auburn Rd. Suite 114, Dacula, GA 30019

Telephone: (770) 237-5534

Fax: (770) 237-5532


April 20, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Dacula GA Pain Eased With Cold Laser – Dr. Natalie Lawrence D.C.

April 17, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Lawrence Chiropractic Center In Dacula GA Offers Cold Laser Therapy For Healing Injured Tissue

Cold laser therapy (CLT) is an innovative technology that works at the cellular level to relieve pain and accelerate healing. For many conditions, it provides a safe and effective alternative to medications or invasive procedures. A Dacula functional medicine practitioner offers CLT to patients suffering from a variety of disorders.

Low level laser light penetrates up to two inches into the skin to reach the underlying tissues. The light produces a photochemical response within the cells which significantly boosts their oxygen supply and energy production. These invigorated cells repair damaged tissue at a significantly faster rate. The quality and strength of regenerated tissue is also enhanced.

CLT is helpful for all sorts of sports injuries. It reduces pain, calms inflammation and increases flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons. The procedure can be applied to strains, sprains and joint disorders. It is also effective for repetitive stress injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, tendonitis and bursitis.

The therapy is useful for alleviating many chronic conditions. Low level lasers stimulate the immune system and enhance nerve function. They also increase the blood supply to the targeted area. These effects help to relieve persistent pain at the source. Laser therapy provides benefits for suffers of arthritis, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, sciatica, fibromyalgia and lumbago.

CLT has been fully approved by the FDA. It is completely painless with no adverse side effects. The laser produces light without heat so it cannot cut or damage delicate tissues. During laser stimulation, some patients experience a slight tingling of the skin, but none report discomfort.

The Dacula functional medicine practitioner performs CLT using a small hand-held laser device targeted at the affected area. Depending on the size of the injury, the laser device is either held in place or stroked over the skin with smooth painting motions. It only takes a few minutes of therapy to produce significant benefits.

Get a summary of the advantages of consulting a Dacula functional medicine practitioner and more information about an experienced physician at now.

April 14, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Dacula GA Cold Laser For Chronic Pain – Dr. Natalie Lawrence D.C.

April 4, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

How My Knee Pain Went Away Naturally…Without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery

Now, in Dacula, GA, one doctor is helping local residents with knee pain live more active, pain-free lives.

Living with knee pain can feel like a crippling experience.

Let’s face it, your knees aren’t as young as they used to be, and playing with the kids or grandkids isn’t any easier either. Maybe your knee pain keeps you from walking short distances or playing golf like you used to. Nothing’s worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your knee hurts and the pain just won’t go away!

My name is Dr. Natalie A. Lawrence, owner of Lawrence Chiropractic Center. Since we opened, we’ve seen hundreds of people with knee problems leave the office pain free. If you’re suffering from these conditions, a new breakthrough in medical technology may completely eliminate your pain and help restore normal function to your knees.

Finally, You Have an Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery
New research in a treatment called low level laser therapy, or Cold Laser, is having a profound effect on patients suffering with knee pain. Unlike the cutting type of laser seen in movies and used in medical procedures, Cold Laser penetrates the surface of the skin with no heating effect or damage.

Cold Laser therapy has been tested for 40 years, had over 2000 papers published on it, and been shown to aid in damaged tissue regeneration, decrease inflammation, relieve pain and boost the immune system. This means that there is a good chance Cold Laser therapy could be your knee pain solution, allowing you to live a more active lifestyle.

Professional athletes like Tiger Woods and team members of the New England Patriots rely upon Cold Laser therapy to treat their sports-related injuries. These guys use Cold Laser for one reason only…
It Promotes Rapid Healing of The Injured Tissues.

Before the FDA would clear Cold Laser for human use, they wanted to see proof that it worked. This led to two landmark studies. The first study showed that patients who had Cold Laser therapy had 53% better improvement than those who had a placebo. The second study showed patients who used the laser therapy had less pain and more range of motion days after treatment. If the Cold Laser can help these patients, it can help you too.

Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain?
For the First 25 Callers Only, I’m running a very special offer where you can find out if you are a candidate for Cold Laser therapy. What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my “Knee Pain Evaluation”.

Just call and here’s what you’ll get…

  • An in-depth consultation about your problem where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case.
  • A complete neuromuscular examination.
  • A thorough analysis of your exam findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.
  • You’ll see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.

The First 25 Callers Only can get everything I’ve listed here for only $35. The normal price for this type of evaluation is $250, so you’re saving a considerable amount by taking me up on this offer.

Remember what it was like before you had knee problems; when you were pain free and could enjoy everything life had to offer? It can be that way again. Don’t neglect your problem any longer – don’t wait until it’s too late.

Here’s what to do now:
Due to the expected demand for this special offer, I urge you to call our office at once. The phone number is 770-237-5534.

Call today and we can get started with your consultation and exam as soon as there’s an opening in the schedule. Our office is Lawrence Chiropractic Center and you can find us at 1342 Auburn Rd., Ste. 114, in Dacula, GA. Tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Knee Evaluation.

Natalie A. Lawrence, D.C.

P.S. Now you might be wondering…
“Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?”

The FDA cleared the first Cold Laser in 2002. This was after their study found 76% improvement in patients with pain. Their only warning – don’t shine it in your eyes. Of course at our office, the laser is never anywhere near your eyes and we’ll give you a comfortable pair of goggles for safety. Don’t wait and let your knee problems get worse, disabling you for life. Take me up on my offer and call today 770-237-5534.

Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions?

  • Arthritis
  • Knee pain
  • Cartilage damage
  • ‘Bone-on-bone’
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Crunching and popping sounds

Federal and Medicare restrictions apply.

March 28, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

How A Dacula Chiropractor Helps Women With Numbness And Tingling

Dacula functional medicine and chiropractic are helping many people find relief from painful conditions. This is especially important for women that suffer with tingling and numbness. This problem may be caused by many things and your chiropractic professional is there to help.

Numbness or tingling often comes from nerves in the body and these nerves can be affected by many different conditions. When you see your local chiropractor you will have a complete examination and a consultation. This provides you with the opportunity to fully explain the difficulties you are experiencing.

Your chiropractor will listen to everything that you have to say. You may receive x-rays and many other areas of the body may be examined. The chiropractic professional will work with you to get to the root cause of your concerns.

Some women may suffer with numbness in the hands and feet. In some cases, this could be brought on by a thyroid problem. Your chiropractor understands that some thyroid disorders may be caused by improper nutrition. With a change of diet you might begin to feel much better.

Perhaps you are living with tingling sensations in your lower back or legs. This could be caused by the spine when it is not in proper alignment. Although chiropractic adjustment can restore spinal alignment, it is important to understand the cause, so your problems do not reappear in the near future. You may benefit from specific exercises or you might need to make some changes to your posture.

Many things can cause a woman to experience sensations of numbness, burnings, or tingling. With the assistance of Dacula functional medicine, your chiropractor will help you understand what is wrong. All of your care is natural and does not involve any dangerous drugs or procedures. Once you address the cause and not simply the symptoms, you can be on the road to recovery in a short amount of time.

Find a summary of the benefits you get when you consult a Dacula functional medicine practitioner and more information about an experienced chiropractic physician at now.

March 24, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Lawrence Chiropractic Center In Dacula GA Helps Correct Hormonal Imbalance Naturally

Lawrence Chiropractic Center and Dr. Natalie Lawrence D. C., Dacula Functional Medicine authority provides a natural and effective series of health benefiting therapeutic methods. A combination of non-invasive, non-chemical techniques are applied to improve wellness quickly.

PRESS RELEASE: Dacula, GA, 20-MAR-2013 – Lawrence Chiropractic Center and Dr. Natalie Lawrence D. C., Dacula Functional Medicine authority, are pleased to announce that utilizing the tools and testing available today in chiropractic medicine can solve hormonal imbalance conditions without the ingestion of chemicals and medicines. When the hormones are out of balance, an entire range of symptoms can develop.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance can be varied. The skin might be dry and the hair could be dull and lifeless. Alternatively, there may be unwanted hair growth. Digestive problems can build which makes proper nutrition even more important. The patient can experience diarrhea or constipation. Women whose hormone levels are not fine-tuned can have low libido, weight gain, fatigue, vaginal dryness and mood swings.

For men, there are some similar symptoms. In addition, low muscle strength, enlarged prostate and low sperm count. Men or women can suffer the symptoms for years without realizing that help is available. It starts with extensive testing to determine the areas where health could be improved.

According to Dr. Lawrence, Dacula functional medicine practitioner, “Our mission is to provide the highest-quality health care utilizing effective, non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, natural methods and to educate and counsel our patients on the implementation of good nutrition and lifestyle habits. First, we utilize sophisticated laboratory testing to uncover the root cause of your complaint.”

“We then use a unique blend of chiropractic neurology and functional medicine” she continues, “to design the most efficacious diet and lifestyle program to address your specific problem based on the results of your in-depth testing.”

Learn more about how chiropractic measures using metabolic and neurological therapies is effective against many conditions by visiting the web pages at today. Members of the press and others who have additional questions about the content of this press release are invited to contact Dr. Lawrence at the location provided below.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Natalie Lawrence D. C.

Company Name: Lawrence Chiropractic Center

Address: 1342 Aubust Road, Suite 114, Dacula, GA 30019

Contact Telephone Number: (770) 237-5534

Contact Fax Number: (770) 237-5532



March 21, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Dacula, GA Peripheral Neuropathy – Dr. Natalie Lawrence, D.C.

March 19, 2013 / drnlawrencedc

Dacula Functional Medicine Helps Thyroid Problems Without Harmful Drugs

Perhaps you feel lethargic and simply cannot continue to perform regular tasks despite having had a thyroid exam. There are alternatives available to assist those feeling less productive and struggling to maintain regular relationships. Dacula functional medicine is a favorable option for those looking for solutions that may not have been offered through conventional medical means.

Alternative medicine has played a significant role in assisting those suffering from various conditions. The powerful properties in naturally based remedies encourage stronger systems, efficient recovery and natural healing processes. It is necessary to consult with an experienced therapist to determine the options available to best serve individual needs.

The professional will require a thorough examination of the thyroid as well as lifestyle factors maintaining the undesirable effects. This will assist in determining whether the organ presents as a source for ongoing dysfunction. Upon completion of the assessment, recommendations for changes in daily living including a healthier diet may be provided.

A program developed according to individual cases may include the use of natural supplements to assist all patients in achieving a balanced state. While Western therapies focus on addressing the symptoms, naturalistic modalities aim to attend to the source for ongoing discomfort. All resolutions are developed to meet the needs of specific patients for greater success.

While conventional methods focus on the inclusion of prescription drugs, a holistic approach takes all lifestyle factors into consideration. Professionals are knowledgeable and experienced in attending to problems of the thyroid. The focus is on the number of indicators within the body that will need to be examined to determine the presence of such issues.

The therapist will work in collaboration with patients in the development of programs that are best suited to lifestyle. The aim of Dacula functional medicine is to attend to the underlying source for symptoms. Following a healthy regime can assist in working towards a greater functional state.

Find a review of the benefits of consulting a Dacula functional medicine practitioner and more information about an experienced chiropractic physician at now.